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Frequently Asked Questions

Check most frequently asked questions here, if you still need help then please contact us at

Order Status

Login to your account to check order status. We ship Monday - Friday excluding national holidays. If your order is placed by Noon, it ships the same day. You will recieve a tracking number as soon as your order ships.  

You card will be charged when your order is placed. All orders ship within 24 hours Mon - Fri. 

Click the LOGIN link at the top right hand side of our site to review your orders. You may compare your order history on our website, with your financial records. If you have further questions or concerns, please contact customer service for further assistance. 

Please contact us directly by phone, live chat or email to make changes to your order. We highly recommend either calling or contacting us through live chat as we may not process your email before your order is shipped. Orders placed by noon will ship the same day and cannot be cancelled after 2:30PST

Our hours and contact details can be found on the contact us page.  

As soon as your order ships, you will receive an email tracking number with a link to track via UPS or USPS. You can also login you your account for order status 

Click My Account on the top right of the page. Be sure that all of the items in your order have shipped already. If your order displays your Package Tracking Numbers, check with the shipper to confirm that your packages were delivered. If your packages each show a status of "delivered", please contact customer service for assistance. 

Click the My Account link at the top right hand side of our site to track your order status. Be sure that all of the items in your order have shipped already. If you order displays your Package Tracking Numbers, check with the shipper to confirm that your packages were delivered. If your packages each show a status of "delivered", please contact customer service for assistance. 

Login to you account. Click n the order # and you can print a copy of your invoice. 

My Account

Click the "login" link in the top right of the page next to the shopping cart.

On this page you click the "sign up→ " link, it is at the bottom right of the login window, next to the New Customer? 

Within the Create Account page you fill out your first name, last name, e-mail, and create a password. Additionally you can choose to receive promotional information, special offers, and recurring updates by clicking the checkbox and subscribing to our newsletter.

All information shared with is handled securely and professionally according to our privacy policy. We do not sell your information.  

Click Login on the top right of the page and edit your information. 

To reset you password. Go to the Forgot Password page. Enter your email and press submit. Instructions for resetting your password will be emailed to you. 


Shipping is automatically calculated prior to submitting your payment information. Simply add items to your cart and proceed to the Checkout page where you will be offered shipping method choices and prices. 

We are seeing some carrier delays due to Covid-19. We are still safely shipping Mon - Fri, but in some cases carriers are taking an additional day to delivery. You are able to track your order step by step either through the tracking email we send you, or signing up for facebook tracking updates.  

Orders placed by 9 am PST will typically ship on the same day. 

We are authorized to ship anywhere within the fifty United States of America. Additionally we will ship to Puerto Rico. That being said paintball guns are unable to be shipped to some locales within the United States.

If your order includes a paintball gun and your shipping address is located within one of these locales your order will be canceled and you will be notified that your shipping address is located in a locale whose local ordinance prohibits the shippment of paintball guns. To our knowledge these locales prohibit the shippment of paintball guns:

  • Boston, MA
  • New York City & it's 5 boroughs: Manhattan, Brooklyn, Bronx, Queens & Staten Island
  • Philadelphia, PA
  • Washington, D.C.

You can also review our shipping and return policies prior to purchasing. Please feel free to contact us if you have any questions.

Unfortunately we are unable to ship our products internationally for the time being, this includes our neighbors to the north (Canada) and south (Mexico/ Carribean/ Central America).


Please click the Shipping & Returns link at the bottom left of the page and review our "Returns Policy" near the bottom of the page.

New and unopened items may be returned to within 30 days from the date of purchase. Additionally, will replace/repair any defects within this 30 day time period. 

In the event you would like to return a product you may be responsible for any shipping costs incurred for the original shipment of the item (even if the order qualified for free shipping) and subsequent return shipping fees. These fees will be deducted from your reimbursement.  

I wish we were perfect, but occasionally mistakes will happen. If you receive the wrong item, just create a return request and we will take care of getting you a return label and the correct product shipped out to you. 

You will not be able to return any merchandise to, regardless of condition, after 30 days have past since the date of purchase. Fortunately the majority of products are under manufacturer's warranty and can be easily repaired, replaced, or refurbished through the manufacturer. Please contact the product manufacturer direct for assistance anytime after 30 days from placing the order.  

Returns are processed and refunds applied within 24-72 hours of being received. Your bank may take 7-10 days for the credit to appear on your card. 


Check out our Contact us for the easiest way to get ahold of us. 

Covid-19 is causing issues throughout the world currently. staff is currently either working from home or wearing masks in our warehouse to keep employees safe. As you can see from our website many products are curently out of stock due to supply chain issue. We are working as hard to keep the products you need in stock and shipping daily 

If you have lost or misplaced your “My Account” password, you can have it sent to you by email.

Click on the following link: login.

Click “Forgot your Password?”

Type your email address in the Email box. This must be the email address currently registered in your “My Account” profile.

Click “Submit. 

In this situation please, contact customer service as soon as you relaize the mistake. When contacting customer service please include your order number, the name of missing/incorrect items, and the quantity of the missing/incorrect item(s). We will respond as soon as possible and determine how to proceed with the transaction. Any mistakes finds responsibility for will be ammended without additional charges to the buyer.   

Contrary to popular opinion, paintball is statistically one of the safest sports played across the nation. That being said, just about anything will hurt when travelling at 280+ feet per second. A mask is your most important piece of protective equipment, the importance of this is echoed on paintball fields before every game. If you are worried about an unprotected torso and neck then the Maddog safety combo is made for you.  

To make the most of a field day a paintball player should make sure to bring their protective gear, marker with loader, propellant system, and paintballs. A marker or paintball gun requires a propellant system such as CO2 or Compressed Air. The marker also needs to have a hopper or loader which holds the paintballs in a ready position. Last, but not least, is protective gear. The most basic and minimal protection required to play is a mask or goggles. It is important to use a mask with full face protection that has been designed for paintball use.  

Paintball marker accuracy is dependent upon multiple factors. Primarily, the condition and quality of the paintballs. Quality tournament grade paintballs stored away from sunlight and within a regulated environment free form extreme temperature fluctuations, and humidity will fly the straightest. Additionally, the length and condition of the marker's barrel will inversely affect the muzzle velocity. Lastly, the consistency of the marker's propellant system will determine the repeatability of muzzle velocity in follow up shots. Compressed air in general produces less variability, shot to shot, than CO2. Temperature variations will alter the pressure within a CO2 tank while a compressed air tank is essentially unaffected by the environmental conditions it is generally accepted that compressed air will produce more consistent propulsions compared to CO2.  

We do match prices, please see our price match policy before finalizing your order. To match prices we need a little bit of information. Most importantly your contact info, either your e-mail or phone number, the price being matched, and the url for the product that is being price matched. The easiest way to get the url from any website is to select all of the text in the address bar, copy it, come back to the product on our site, click "Price Match Guarantee" below the payment options and above the item description and then paste the other items' web address into the URL section of the price match guarantee pop up window. 

It is imperative that any price match request follow our price match policy to qualify. This means that the price match product is in stock and listed by an authorized dealer/distributor, is identical to our product in color, size, SKU, condition and year of production.  

Paintball markers send paintball projectiles at 280+ feet per second, thats about 200 miles per hour, the estimated average mass of a paintball is 3.0 grams and evenly leaving behind a welt about a quarter's size in circumference. Usually when you get hit by a paintball you are under stress, your brain is likely releasing adrenaline due to the percieved threats involved in a paintball match. Paintballs have to leave a mark in order for them to work properly. In general this means that the ball strikes you and splat the ball broke releasing its contents onto you. This will hurt, it depends upon where you are hit and if you were wearing protective equipment, but you will notice the strike and likely will call yourself out to avoid being struck again. If the paintball strikes you and it does not break it will likely hurt more than if it had. Some body parts are particularly sensitive to paintball strikes including finger/knuckle parts of the hands, front of the neck, and top of the head/ forehead depending upon the fit of the mask. Pain to the hands can be mitigated by wearing gloves, additionally we offer safety packages that include protection for all of these most susceptible areas.